Friday, October 15, 2010

Joel Burns tells gay teens "It Gets Better". A reflection on the last few weeks.

Click here to see the touching story by Joel Burns at his recent City Council meeting this past week. 

Our support goes out to all the LGBT youth throughout the world. These last couple of weeks have been very hard for the LGBT youth. Trust me, "It Gets Better'. This video truly speaks to the issue at hand and brings light to where our world needs to go and how we need to change. The power is in your hands to be the change. 

To get involved and show your support click here to access the The Trevor Project.  The Trevor Project is an American non-profit organization that operates the only nationwide, around-the-clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for lesbiangay,bisexualtransgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. The Trevor Helpline, a toll-free number, is a confidential service that offers trained counselors. The Trevor Project also provides guidance and vital resources to parents and educators in order to foster safe, accepting and inclusive environments for all youth, at home and at school. 

If you or anyone you know is being bullied because of their sexuality, or their questioned sexuality, you need to be the person to stop it. Together, we can make a change and prove to the youth around the world that "It Gets Better". 

One Love, 



1 comment:

  1. Advocacy is abound. T.F.W. is a truly amazing advocate for all of humankind. All it takes is one voice at a time to make a difference. Stand up and be heard....join hands and be strong. Abolish discrimination of gays and lesbians. Solidarity for one love of all. are a gift from God!!

    Signed: Deblitt!!
